Attitude towards Exercise, Physique Anxiety, Virus COVID-19Abstract
The purpose of this research is to study student attitudes towards exercise and anxiety about his/her physique during the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) situation in the upper Northeastern region. Subjects contained of 393 people (137 males and 256 females) from four higher educational institutions were randomly selected. The exercise attitude questionnaire (confidence value of .85) and anxiety about physique questionnaire (confidence value of .80) were used. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way analysis of variance (F-test). Least-Significant Different (LSD) was used to compare the difference between two means with statistical significance at .05. The results showed that there was no difference in attitudes towards exercise among this is, both of them have high level of attitude to exercise. The comparison between different attitudes to exercise among educational institutions revealed that the attitudes to exercise were not different and at high level. The results also demonstrated that males had higher levels of anxiety than females (p-value =.008) and both of them had high levels of anxiety about of them physique. When comparing student level of anxiety about body shape among different educational institutions, it was found that there were significant differences. In conclusion, the attitudes on exercise an effect on anxiety about body shape; namely, students have less physical activity during COVID-19 pandemic situation. Students should be encouraged to have more physical activities, in order to reduce anxiety about their body shape.
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