
  • Sirirat Srinukul Faculty of Industry and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Sakonnakhon Campus
  • Phetphrairin Upping Faculty of Industry and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Sakonnakhon Campus
  • Jakret Mettathamrong Faculty of Industry and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Sakonnakhon Campus
  • Charinee Chaichana Faculty of Industry and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Sakonnakhon Campus


satisfaction, withholding tax items, internet, government agencies, government organizations


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the causal factors influencing satisfaction in filling withholding Tax returns and 2) to study of direct and indirect effects of the causal factors influencing satisfaction in filling withholding Tax returns. The sample group was 400 government officials and government organizations in Sakon Nakhon province who submit tax forms via the internet. The research tool was a questionnaire and data analysis were analyzed by the PLS-SEM method to measure the correlation of variables. The research results found: 1) the causal factors influencing satisfaction in filling withholding Tax returns consisted of information quality, information system quality, service quality, and benefits from tax return filing via the internet and 2) the results of direct and indirect effects of factors affecting satisfaction in filling withholding Tax returns by using Outer and Inner models. The results of model testing are reliable and accurate that the factors directly influencing satisfaction in filing withholding tax returns consisted of information quality, information system quality, service quality, and benefits from tax return filing via the internet and indirect factors include information quality, service quality, and benefits from tax return filing via the internet.


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How to Cite

Srinukul, S., Upping, P., Mettathamrong, J., & Chaichana, C. (2024). THE CAUSAL FACTORS INFLUENCING SATISFACTION IN FILLING WITHHOLDING TAX RETURNS VIA INTERNET OF GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL AND ORGANIZATIONS IN SAKON NAKHON PROVINCE. Journal of Liberal Arts and Management Science Kasetsart University, 11(2), 58–74. retrieved from



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