
  • Phangam Dana Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Science, Kasetsart University
  • Pattama Suriyakul Na Ayudhya Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Science, Kasetsart University
  • Jarita Hinthao Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Science, Kasetsart University


push factor, pull factor, decision making on traveling, the millennial


This research aims to study (1) Push factors pull factors and decision process (2) Push factors affecting to Thai tourist decision making (3) Pull factors affecting to Thai tourist decision making of the Millennial after the relaxation of preventive measures for COVID 19. The methodology is quantitative research, online questionnaires distributed to 385 sample millennials. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics (percentage mean standard deviation), and multiple regression. The results showed that (1) The level of opinion on the push factor were at the high level (2) The level of opinion on the pull factor were at the high level (3) The level of opinion on the push decision process were at the high level (4) Push factors affecting Thai tourist decision making of the Millennial after the relaxation of preventive measures for COVID 19 with statistical significance at the 0.01 level include Social Need Novelty Needs Physiological Need and Culture Needs and (5) Pull factors affecting Thai tourist decision making of the Millennial after the relaxation of preventive measures for COVID 19 with statistical significance at the 0.01 level include Product Price and Place. As a result, the tourism department should prioritize of design and develop the tourism product, set the suitable price of tourism and create the variables of the channel of distribution (place) for motivate the traveling of the millennial.


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How to Cite

Dana, P., Suriyakul Na Ayudhya, P., & Hinthao, J. (2024). FACTORS AFFECTING TO THAI TOURIST DECISION MAKING OF THE MILLENNIAL AFTER THE RELAXATION OF PREVENTIVE MEASURES FOR COVID 19. Journal of Liberal Arts and Management Science Kasetsart University, 11(1), 1–19. Retrieved from https://so14.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jlams/article/view/926



Research Article