Educational Ergonomic, Rubber Chain Exercise Training, Low Back Pain, Indigo-Dyed Weaving WorkersAbstract
The objective of this research was to examine the effects of educational ergonomics with rubber chain exercise training program on low back pain, functional ability, muscle strength and flexibility among indigo-dyed weaving workers. Data were collected from 60 volunteers, which indigo-dyed weaving workers of Phanna Nikhom district, Sakon Nakhon provice during September to November 2019. A total of 60 volunteers were divided into two groups (experimental and control group), each group consisted of 30 people. The study period was 4 weeks. During the experimental period, the subjects of the experimental group received the educational ergonomics with rubber chain exercise training program. The research instruments included an interview from personal data, numerical retting scale, functional ability questionnaire, and a recording of flexibility and back muscle strength. Comparative analyses were used Independent t-test, Paired Sample t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test at 95% confidence interval level. The results showed that after implementing the program, the experimental group had significantly lower mean score of low back pain and functional ability than other group and the higher mean score of flexibility and back muscles strength than control group. In addition, after performing the program, the experimental group had significantly lower mean score of lower back pain and functional ability than before performing the program and the higher mean score of flexibility and back muscle strength than before performing the program. Results from this study showed that the educational ergonomics with rubber chain exercise training program can be help relieve low back pain, improve functional ability, increase back muscle strength and flexibility.
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