The Relationship Between the Nomination Committee Remuneration Committee Family Ownership Structure and Firm Performance
Firm Performance, Nomination Committee, Remuneration CommitteeAbstract
The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between the nomination committee, remuneration committee, family ownership structure, and firm performance of listed companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) during 2013 to 2017. The sample size consisted of 825 companies which excluded the group of undergoing operation rehabilitation, financial sectors and real estate funds, and insurance and life insurance business. The data used in this study were secondary source from an online database provided by SET Market Analysis and Reporting Tool (SET SMART). Data analysis used the econometrics analysis program for testing the hypothesis. Results were that all of these committees were not significant statistical correlated with the firm Performance when measured by return on assets and Tobin’s Q. There is a high possibility that the committee might lack expertise or reduced role in providing important information to the administration. Therefore, it does not affect firm performance.
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