
  • Pattana Pimnan Faculty of Management Sciences and Information Technology, Nakhonphanom University
  • Aphi khamphroh Faculty of Management Sciences and Information Technology, Nakhonphanom University


proactive public relations, organizational performance, higher education institutions in Thailand


The economy, culture, and technology have all evolved considerably in recent years. They have compelled firms to adapt, develop, and build managerial and operational strategies in order to obtain a competitive edge and competitiveness in an efficient and effective manner, as well as to achieve excellent performance. Recently, organizational success, development, survival, and sustainability have been aided, supported, and advanced by these competitive advantages and competitiveness. Accordingly, the objective of this research is to investigate the relationships between proactive public relations and organizational performance of higher education institutions in Thailand. This research collects data from sixty-nine executives of public relations and organizational communication of higher education institutions in Thailand and uses the questionnaire as a research tool. Multiple regression analysis of the resulting data finds that proactive public relations, including clear public relations policy; diversified public relations activities and methods; and networks of public relations connection, coordination and dissemination) have a positive relationship and effect on organizational performance. In summary, proactive public relations have a positive relationship and effect on organizational performance. As a result, Thai higher education institutions should prioritize proactive public relations and implement it in their organizations in order to provide a tool for organizational operations that efficiently and effectively provides operational advantage and influences excellent organizational performance. Moreover, proactive public relations can help achieve operational goals in the short-term and sustainable long-term aspects.    


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How to Cite

Pimnan, P., & khamphroh, A. (2023). RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN PROACTIVE PUBLIC RELATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN THAILAND. Journal of Liberal Arts and Management Science Kasetsart University, 10(1), 38–54. retrieved from



Research Article