Improving College Students’ Metacognition through Self-Paced Learning and Direct Instruction in a Remote Learning Modality


  • Vanessa Crystal Estremos Balabag Graduate School Lourdes College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
  • Kurt Salac Candilas Graduate School Lourdes College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines



metacognition, self-paced learning, direct instruction approach


The ability to take full ownership of one’s learning acquisition through metacognition is attributed to the success or failure of students’ educative process. This was the focal point of this quasi-experimental study on the efficacy of self-paced learning and direct instruction in enhancing metacognition among college students engaged in remote learning. The research addressed three primary objectives: first, to assess participants' metacognition levels before and after the intervention; second, to compare the before and after of the intervention in both group’s metacognition across planning, monitoring, and evaluating phases; and third, to determine the difference in metacognition levels between the two groups. 100 college students participated in the study with 50 respondents subjected to self-paced learning intervention and another 50 respondents for direct instruction. The results indicated significant improvements in metacognition levels among participants in both groups. However, the self-paced learning group demonstrated more substantial increases, with a majority shifting from "Low Metacognition" to "High Metacognition" categories. Self-paced learning exhibited larger effect sizes than direct instruction across all phases of metacognitive development. Self-paced learning group respondents experienced more significant increments in metacognitive skills than participants in the direct instruction group. However, future research attempts are encouraged to deepen further the understanding of the intricate play that self-paced learning and direct instruction contribute to enhancing metacognition.


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How to Cite

Balabag, V. C., & Candilas, K. S. (2024). Improving College Students’ Metacognition through Self-Paced Learning and Direct Instruction in a Remote Learning Modality. BRU ELT JOURNAL, 2(2), 142–157.


