Journal Information
Editor-in-chief : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Akkarapon Nuemaihom
Editor’s Note
The BRU ELT Journal’s primary objective is to disseminate original research articles of exceptional quality within the domain of English Language Teaching (ELT). These articles are expected to be pertinent to two specific sub-fields, namely Language and Linguistics, and Literature and Literary Theory. In relation to this matter, the articles falling within the following subsequent subjects have been deemed acceptable: English as an International Language, World Englishes (WE), teaching and learning English as a Second Language (ESL), as an Additional Language (EAL) or as a Foreign Language (TEFL), ESP and EAP, Applied Linguistics and Corpus Linguistics, Approaches and Methods in English Education, Culture and Literature in English Education, English Language Curriculum and Teaching Materials, Language Learning and Acquisition, Language Testing and Evaluation, Life-long Language Learning, Multimedia and ICT in ELT, Teacher Training and Education, Translation Studies, and Discourse and Interlanguage Pragmatics.
There are six articles from three countries have been published in this current issue, two from Myanmar, three from the Philippines, and one from Yemen. Each of these articles have already been blind-reviewed by three peer reviewers from various institutes. Moreover, Turnitin was used to ensure that each article's plagiarism or similarity index was less than 20%. The articles published in BRU ELT JOURNAL also have DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers), which are utilized to uniquely identify an article via URL. This will help a reader in locating the cited article.
In closing, I would like to sincerely express my gratitude and appreciation to all those who have contributed, including authors, external reviewers, editorial board, and readers, for their valuable academic aid and support. The viability of BRU ELT JOURNAL is highly dependent on their continued scholarly contributions.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Akkarapon Nuemaihom