Trends of Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies in Research Studies of English Language Teaching
artificial intelligence technologies, English Language Teaching (ELT), pedagogy, research studiesAbstract
Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays an increasingly important role in English language teaching (ELT); however, the trends of AI in language learning remain largely under-investigated. Accordingly, the study, using bibliometric analysis, investigates these issues via a review of 64 papers published between 2021 and 2023, focusing on how AI was integrated into ELT. The objectives aimed to 1) identify the integration of AI technologies in researches in order to enhance English language acquisition and pedagogical skills, and 2) explore the levels of English language learners that AI technologies employed in the obtained studies. The academic articles, research papers, conference proceedings were selected by publication in 2021 and 2023 that obtained from ERIC database. The search terms of “Artificial Intelligence”, “English Language Teaching”, and “Teaching Strategies” resulted in 64 articles that they were selected by purposive sampling. Findings revealed that the frequency of employing AI in the studies. The results pointed the five most popular AI-technology based English language teaching and learning obtained from the review were: (1) AI-technology based pedagogies (48 articles, 75%), (2) the AI-technology based English writing (8 articles, 12.5%), (3) the AI-technology based English vocabulary (4 articles, 6.25%), (4) the AI-technology based English speaking (3 articles, 4.68%), (5) the AI-technology based English grammar (1 article, 1.56%). The results also indicated the levels of learners that AI-technologies integrated in ELT were at the tertiary level was the most frequent (29 articles, 45.3%), followed by overall (23 articles, 35.9%), the secondary level (10 articles, 15.6%), and an equal number of studies examined using AI-technologies at the primary level and graduate level (1 article, 1.56%). This study is helpful for those interested in finding the appropriate AI for English language acquisition and pedagogical skills.
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