Teaching Speaking Skills through Self-Learning Modules: A Case of a School in a Hinterland


  • Mae Bongalon-Mabanta Graduate School, Lourdes College
  • Kurt S. Candilas Professor, Lourdes College




self-learning modules, adaptability, resiliency, modular


          Teaching speaking skills during pandemic times seemed challenging not only for the learners but also among the teachers. This study explored the experiences of junior high school teachers in a hinterland school who taught speaking skills through the use of Self-Learning Modules (SLM). The case study identified six language educators who were purposefully chosen based on the following criteria: they are licensed language educators; they are currently teaching in the Department of Education, and they have expressed willingness to participate in the study. To understand their experiences, a Qualitative Case Study research design was employed.  In-depth interviews were conducted to gather the data. The responses were analyzed through Braun and Victoria Clarke’s six-phase approach to coding and theme development. From the responses of the participants, three themes emerged namely: teachers as collaborators of the educational process, teachers experiencing complexities of teaching speaking skills, and teachers’ developmental strategies.  These themes reflect the complex situation of teaching speaking skills among teachers in a hinterland school.  Facilitating learning in speaking skills during the pandemic is a confluence of challenges and job fulfillment. Further empirical investigation may be conducted to verify the findings in other hinterland schools.


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How to Cite

Bongalon-Mabanta, M. ., & Kurt S. Candilas. (2023). Teaching Speaking Skills through Self-Learning Modules: A Case of a School in a Hinterland. BRU ELT JOURNAL, 1(2), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.14456/bej.2023.9


