Addressing College Students’ Writing Difficulties through Cooperative Learning and Inquiry-Based Learning Approaches
writing quality, cooperative learning, inquiry-based learningAbstract
High proficiency in college students’ writing is beneficial for their academic success. The dynamic nature of higher education demands effective communication through writing, making it imperative to understand the prevalent issues hindering students' success in this area. This study assessed the effectiveness of Cooperative Learning and Inquiry-based Learning in improving writing difficulties among college students. Conducted over eight weeks at a private university in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines, this quasi-experimental research involved 64 participants. The study utilized a comprehensive rubric assessing content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics to evaluate the students' essays. Results demonstrated notable improvements in both Cooperative Learning and Inquiry-based Learning, with students progressing from 'Emerging' to 'Proficient' levels in writing. These enhancements were significant in all assessed areas, highlighting the effectiveness of the interventions. While both methods were found effective in improving writing proficiency, the Inquiry-based Learning approach stood out as more effective, particularly in improving grammar. This finding emphasizes its role in elevating the overall writing quality of college students. The study's outcomes not only affirm the effectiveness of their pedagogical strategies in enhancing writing abilities. Future research is recommended to further investigate the nuances of these learning approaches, as identified in this study.
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