Translation and Direct Writing Methods on the Compositions of Grade 9 Students in the Northern Philippines
Filipino language, Ilokano language, writing skills, components of writing, Kto12Abstract
This research aimed to analyze the composition writing skills of Grade 9 students in the Northern Philippines using translation and direct writing methods through the quasi-experimental research design. The questionnaire and four compositions were instruments of the study. Rubric, mean, Pearson product-moment correlation, and t-test were the statistical tools employed. Results show that the respondents performed better using the translation method than direct writing in the narrative, expository, descriptive, and argumentative compositions. The content, organization, and mechanics of those who translated their compositions from their mother tongue (Ilokano) to their second language (Filipino) were found more proficient than those who used direct writing. More so, they are proficient in descriptive compositions. Sex, educational resources, and leisure activities have significant relationships with the respondents who translated. Furthermore, a significant difference was found between the respondents who directly wrote and those who translated. Those who translated have compositions that are more substantial and more organized to generate ideas than those who used direct writing. Based on the results, it is recommended to use the first language to generate and conceptualize ideas and after which, translate it to the second language. Students should be trained more on Ilokano language use.
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