Academic Online Teaching Experiences of English Teachers: A Phenomenological Study
online teaching experience, essence, phenomenologyAbstract
One of the most intriguing issues of the present time is the application of online teaching in education. This became more popular when the pandemic happened. Thus, making the educational sectors address the demands of the present time. In particular, this paper examined the experiences of Junior High School English teachers of two universities in the city of Cagayan de Oro, Philippines. The study used transcendental phenomenology as a research approach (Creswell, 2007). In the gathering of data, a semi-structured interview was conducted online. Creswell’s modified version of the Stevick-Colaizzi-Keen method of Moustakas (1994) was utilized in the data analysis. Findings showed four emerging themes namely: 1) Sense of Fulfillment; 2) Challenges; 3) Use of Relevant / Appropriate Strategies; and, 4) Development of Values, Skills, Virtues, and Qualities. These themes point to the essence of resiliency and adaptability experienced by the teachers in their online teaching. Specifically, the success or fulfillment, as well as the challenges experienced by the participants of the study, have made them adaptable and resilient to address the demands of their profession. The findings point to the need for academic online teachers to impart their knowledge, skills, and experiences to their fellow teachers.
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