
  • Tanakit Boonchane Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Science, Kasetsart University
  • Premruedee Jitkuekul Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Science, Kasetsart University


conjoint analysis, product attributes, rice crackers, purchase intentions


The research is titled "Conjoint Analysis and Consumers' Purchase Intentions for Organic Rice Crackers (Khaotan)". The purposes of this study were: 1) to investigate the Khao-tan's attribute of the community enterprise of Ban Bawa rice fields on consumers' satisfaction, and 2) to investigate how different customer education levels affect customers' purchasing intentions when purchasing Khao-tan from the Ban Bawa rice fields community enterprise. The instrument used was a self-administered questionnaire, and the 449 Khao-tan customers who ate or bought them. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Furthermore, conjoint analysis and one-way ANOVA have been applied to examine and analyzed using inferential statistics. Based on the findings of this investigation, it was concluded that the covered plastic jar, the attractive logo (feature B), the dried shredded pork favor, the size of Khao-tan (3 centimeters), and the standard sweet were the products with which customers were most satisfied. The mean purchase intention of higher education and master's degree students was 3.82, the lowest, and the mean of diploma students was 4.12.


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How to Cite

Boonchane, T., & Jitkuekul, P. (2023). CONJOINT ANALYSIS AND CONSUMERS’ PURCHASE INTENTIONS FOR ORGANIC RICE CRACKERS (KHAOTAN). Journal of Liberal Arts and Management Science Kasetsart University, 10(2), 1–15. retrieved from



Research Article