Reproduction and Rebuilding of Cultural Identity of BAAN SAWADDHI Community lead to Creative Cultural Tourism Management


  • Suwakhon Somphaiphithak Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Science, Kasetsart University


Reproduction, Reconstruction, Cultural Identity, Tourism Management, Cultural Tourism, Creative Culture


Reproduction and reconstruction of the cultural identity of the Baan Sawaddhi community have resulted in adapting to the world culture and dealing with various cultures. What appeared clearly is reducing the importance of the nation-state culture; subculture appears more clearly until the acceptance of the idea of cultural diversity in the Baan Sawaddhi community is public. When thoroughly examine, it has found that the success factors that cause reproducing and cultural reconstruction of the Baan Sawaddhi community that will not be impossible unless it is the person who has power and is the key to deciding the sustainability of culture in the community. Diversity and dynamics are significant to be aware of the interaction between government and cultural society. This must be considering the component of cultural capital management in two dimensions, namely the relationship between public and individual. This shows that the culture has presented based on each social group with different cultural practices, even though it is also in the northeast region of Thailand, which will result in the use of cultural capital derived from the process of reproducing and cultural construction, further developed into the concept of creative economy based on cultural tourism.


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How to Cite

Somphaiphithak, S. (2019). Reproduction and Rebuilding of Cultural Identity of BAAN SAWADDHI Community lead to Creative Cultural Tourism Management. Journal of Liberal Arts and Management Science Kasetsart University, 6(2), 109–121. retrieved from



Research Article