A Confirmatory Skill Forensic Accounting: The Aspect of Auditor Governance.


  • Piyaphisak Jearasukon Independent researcher
  • Poonsin Klinpratoom Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi
  • Jaruwan Aeksapsang Faculty of Management Science, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Skill Forensic, Forensic, Audit Performance


This research was aimed to the objectives of this research study were to analyze a confirmatory forensic accounting skill: The aspect of auditor governance and to prioritize the factor. Collect data from 376 auditor government. Questionnaires were used to gather the data. The data was analyzed by a confirmatory factor analysis by Package program for statistical. Using statistical was structural equation model (SEM). The research findings showed highly significant consistency and the empirical data (Chi-Square=118.196 df= 95 P-value = 0.054 GFI = .967 RMSEA= .026, with 6 influential factors; Skill of Low: SLO, Skill of Document: SDU, Skill of Audit: SAU, Skill of Information Technology: SIT, Skill of Fraud: SFU and Skill of Communication: SCM Expected benefits from this research Primary data for regulation definition to Anti-Fraud of governmental and private organizations include push forward permit auditors government auditing skill of fraud in future.


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How to Cite

Jearasukon, P., Klinpratoom, P., & Aeksapsang, J. (2019). A Confirmatory Skill Forensic Accounting: The Aspect of Auditor Governance. Journal of Liberal Arts and Management Science Kasetsart University, 6(1), 13–29. retrieved from https://so14.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jlams/article/view/40



Research Article