fundamental movement skills, fundamental sport skills, childrenAbstract
This academic article aims to demonstrate the importance of fundamental movement skills that are physical movements and movements as a medium to achieve essential skills to all human beings. Basic movement skills training should be practiced from childhood with each step of movement or training correlated with age and development. Moreover, basic motor skills are used in daily living the development of the ability to use the body wisely and effectively (physical literacy) affect the development of human abilities in areas such as developing confidence, analytical thinking, and creativity, as well as developing fundamental sports skills and developing them into the highest level of athletic performance. On the other hand, if not entering training to become an athlete, the experience of practicing and learning those fundamental movement skills is an experience and skill that can encourage human beings to engage in exercise activities and physical activity throughout their livelihoods. This makes it possible to recognize the importance of physical activity that results in good physical and mental health.
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