
  • Kittikawin Eaimviriyawat Faculty of Management Science, Buriram Rajabhat University


community enterprise, medical marijuana cultivation, commercial marijuana cultivation, success determinants, Buriram Province


This study aims to investigate the determinants of success among community enterprise groups involved in medical and commercial marijuana cultivation in Buriram Province. The research objectives encompass: (1) examining the initial-stage success levels of these groups, (2) identifying the factors that significantly influence their overall success, and (3) proposing remedial strategies to address operational issues and challenges hampering their progress. Using a mixed-method approach, both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. A questionnaire-based survey was administered to 128 group leaders and members, while structured interviews were conducted with 10 group leaders. Data analysis included statistical approaches such as descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlations, and content analysis. The findings indicate that the overall success level of the community enterprise groups fell within the moderate range. All factors examined showed statistically significant relationships at a significance level of p < .01. Notably, variables related to production knowledge demonstrated a strong positive correlation with overall success, while factors pertaining to group management exhibited a moderately positive association. Conversely, factors associated with external support and promotion displayed a weak positive relationship. These organizations’ main operational issues were a lack of production knowledge, pricing volatility in the purchasing process, and insufficient clarity in government policies and regulatory enforcement. To enhance their success, it is recommended that these community enterprise groups align their cultivation plans with available capital and establish clear objectives. Furthermore, employing a robust business plan model for operational analysis, conducting further research to expand production knowledge, and fostering strategic partnerships and networks are crucial strategies.


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How to Cite

Eaimviriyawat, K. (2023). FACTORS AFFECTING SUCCESS OF COMMUNITY ENTERPRISES IN MEDICAL AND COMMERCIAL CANNABIS GROWERS BURIRAM PROVINCE IN THE BEGINNING. Journal of Liberal Arts and Management Science Kasetsart University, 10(1), 147–166. Retrieved from https://so14.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jlams/article/view/239



Research Article