
  • Sornsophon Pimpasalee Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Kasetsart University
  • Premruedee Jitkuekul Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Kasetsart University


conjoint analysis, rice cakes, product feature, purchase intentions


The objective of this research was to study the characteristics of processed organic rice cakes using conjoint analysis and examine consumers' purchase intentions. The aim was to provide guidelines for developing desirable features of processed organic rice cakes that can attract and satisfy consumers. The data was collected through questionnaires from 400 consumers of processed rice in Thailand. The analysis of the conjoint components revealed that consumers were satisfied with brand attractiveness, the inclusion of roasted cereal toppings, healthy slogans, normal sweetness levels, and packaging in zip-lock bags for organic rice cakes. However, there were gender differences in purchasing behavior, with men being more likely to buy the product than women, and this difference was statistically significant at a 0.05 level. The research data may be utilized to establish marketing strategies to effectively compete with rivals, fulfil consumer expectations, and improve overall product satisfaction. It can also help businesses differentiate their products and increase their competitiveness by catering to consumer preferences.


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How to Cite

Pimpasalee, S., & Jitkuekul, P. (2023). CONJOINT ANALYSIS AND CONSUMERS’ PURCHASE INTENTIONS FOR ORGANIC RICE CAKES. Journal of Liberal Arts and Management Science Kasetsart University, 10(1), 92–108. retrieved from



Research Article