
  • Jitpisut Bubphapant Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Kasetsart University
  • Premruedee Jitkuekul Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Science, Kasetsart University
  • Thanyalak Mueangkhot Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Science, Kasetsart University
  • Tatiyaporn Sirisakdakul School of Economics and Management, University of Porto


corporate brand image, intention to use, customer loyalty, low-cost airline, airport, structural equation model


This research aims 1) to study the perceived level of corporate brand image, intention to use, and customer loyalty of low-cost airlines, 2) to study the influences of the corporate brand image on intention to use and customer loyalty of low-cost airlines, 3) to investigate the mediating role of intention to use in the relationship between corporate brand image and customer loyalty. Using the questionnaire as a tool for collecting data, 399 customers were included in this study. Data collection was done at the four Upper-Northeastern airports as Nakhonphanom Airport, Loei Airport, Sakon Nakhon Airport, and Udonthani International Airport. After that, the reliability of the questionnaires was tested using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The statistics applied for data analysis include frequency, percentage, and structural equation models. The results reveal that out of 399 respondents, the majority are 291 female respondents (72.90%), aged between 31-40 years old with 177 respondents (44.40%), graduated Bachelor’s degree with 271 respondents (67.90%), occupied as government officers with 191 respondents (47.90%), earned average monthly income 15,001-25,000 Baht with 189 respondents (47.40%), and the most often used airline within the last six months is Nok Air with 276 respondents (64.50%). The results of hypothesis testing shows that the corporate brand image of low-cost airlines significantly demonstrated a positive linear relationship with customers’ intention to use and loyalty. Furthermore, the intention to use also positively influences customer loyalty. Concerning the role of the mediator, customers’ intention to use is found to be partial mediation.


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How to Cite

Bubphapant, J., Jitkuekul, P., Mueangkhot, T., & Sirisakdakul, T. (2023). THE INFLUENCES OF CORPORATE BRAND IMAGE TOWARDS CUSTOMERS’ INTENTION TO USE AND LOYALTY AT UPPER-NORTHEASTERN AIRPORTS. Journal of Liberal Arts and Management Science Kasetsart University, 10(1), 55–71. retrieved from



Research Article