Marketing Capability, Creative Economy, Woven Reed Mat Community Product, Market PotentialAbstract
This research aims to: 1) study the level of the community entrepreneurial knowledge based on the concept of creative economy; and 2) study the factors affect the development of market potential according to the creative economy concept of the woven reed community mat group in Sila Lat District, Sisaket Province. This research employs mixed methods research design, using structured in-depth interviews to synthesize the knowledge from seven representatives and using questionnaires to collect data from the woven reed community mat group in Sila Lat District, 77 people. The data were analyzed by using percentage, average, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The results showed that there are five areas of knowledge based on the group's creative economy concepts: education and knowledge, creativity, intellectual property, technology and innovation, and culture. Overall, the average is high: In term of cultural aspect was the highest (= 4.07); followed by creative aspect (
= 3.97), education and Knowledge (
= 3.94), intellectual property (
= 3.93), and technology and Innovation (
= 3.89). In addition, the five areas of knowledge were contributing to the development of market potential based on the creative economy of the professional group by assisting them increase the availability and the distribution, requirement to continuous quality development of product, setting product sales prices according to increased sales volume, and marketing promotion, which attracts loyal customers to buy products continuously.
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