The synthesis of the framework for learning activities aligned with constructivist approach using micro:bit board enhance computational thinking skills in the subject of computing science for grade 5 elementary students.

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Supharada Bubpha
Parama Kwangmuang
Romwarin Gamlunglert


          This study aims to synthesize a design framework for a set of learning activities following the Constructivist approach combined with the Micro:bit board to promote computational thinking skills. The target group for this study consists of 5 individuals, including experts in document review and framework design. This research adopts various methodologies, including document analysis and exploratory research, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative data collection methods.           
           The research findings reveal that the synthesized design framework for the learning activities, based on the Constructivist approach combined with the Micro:bit board to promote computational thinking skills, consists of 5 foundational elements: 1) Context base, 2) P Psychological base, 3) Pedagogies base,                         4) Technological media theory base, and 5) Computational thinking base. Additionally, the design framework includes seven essential components: 1) Authentic problem situation, 2) Learning resource, 3) Cognitive tools, 4) Community Learning Centre, 5) Scaffolding, 6) Coaching Center, and 7) Computational Thinking Promotion Center. Expert evaluations confirmed alignment between theoretical principles and both the theoretical and design frameworks.

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How to Cite
Bubpha, S., Kwangmuang, P., & Gamlunglert , R. (2024). The synthesis of the framework for learning activities aligned with constructivist approach using micro:bit board enhance computational thinking skills in the subject of computing science for grade 5 elementary students. Journal of Research and Development the Greater Mekong Subregion, 3(2), 40–51. retrieved from
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