Development of the EGPEA Model Learning Management Model on polymers to promote critical thinking of Mathayomsuksa 6 students

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Kitsana Nankhantee


              The objectives of this study were 1) to study the current condition, needs, knowledge in creating a management model for learning chemistry and the ability to critical thinking with assembling the creation of the EGPEA Learning Management Model on polymers story to promote critical thinking of Mathayomsuksa 6 students 2) To develop a learning management model Knowing the EGPEA Model on Polymers story to Promote Critical Thinking of the Mathayomsuksa 6 students 3) to study the EGPEA Learning Management Model on polymers story to promote critical thinking of Mathayomsuksa 6 students by using the research and development (R&D) process consists of 3 phases. Phase 1 to study the current condition, needs, knowledge in critical thinking by interview 8 teachers and using Critical Thinking test for 32 students in Khok Kho Phitthayakom School. Phase 2 Development of the EGPEA learning management model. Phase 3 study of the results of using the EGPEA Learning Management Model on Polymers Story in 22 students at Khok Kho Phitthayakom School, which were obtained by cluster random sampling, there is a mix of good, medium and weak. Statistics used in data analysis are mean, percentage, deviation, standards and hypothesis tests and t-test.
              The results showed that 1. The results of the study of the current condition from the teachers and the ability to critical thinking of Mathayomsuksa 6 students found that in terms of learning activities in subjects group in Science and Technology in chemistry course has not been encouraged and encouraged to learners have the opportunity to use their thoughts reflectively, to solve problems and create an understanding of knowledge by associate a justified event, to be accepted and reliable in the conclusion because of the learning process of the learners is not suitable. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the ability to think critically for students in the study of chemistry increased according to the quality learning process guidelines, and when considering the students' critical thinking, it was found that they had average scores on their basic abilities in think with a low level of judgment. 2. The results of the development of the EGPEA Learning Management Model on polymers for Promotes critical thinking of Mathayomsuksa 6 Students of the model have 1) principles, concepts and basic theories 2) objectives of the model 3) learning management procedures 4) social system, 5) response principle, and 6) Inquiry Learning 5E Concept GPAS and a five-step learning management process has been synthesized consisting of Step 1 Engagement Phase, Step 2 Gathering, Step 3 Processing, Step 4 Evaluation Phase, Step 5 applying knowledge and evaluating perspectives. The framework for critical thinking indicators consists of 1) Ability to define problems 2) Ability to collect data 3) ability to classify information 4) Ability to choose hypotheses 5) ability to draw conclusions and make decisions draw conclusions and make decisions , which have the effect of assessing the quality and appropriateness of the expert style is at the highest level has a mean of 4.73. 3. The results of a study on the use of the EGPEA Model learning management model on polymers story to promote critical thinking of Mathayomsuksa 6 Students found that. 3.1 The EGPEA Learning Management Model on polymers story to promote Critical Thinking of Mathayomsuksa 6 Students with a teaching materials as efficient as 86.03/87.39 meets the criteria 80/80 3.2 Mathayomsuksa 6/1 students using the EGPEA Learning Management Model about polymer story. The mean was 5.55 points and 17.82 points respectively for the pre-test and post-test. And it was found that the students' critical thinking test scores after studying were higherthan before. Statistically significant classes at the .05 level 3.3 Pre-test and post-test of secondary school students 6/1 had an average score of 19.50 points and 34.55 points respectively, it was found that the scores of the students'post- tests were higher than pre-test. Statistically significant classes at the .05 level 3.4 Students who study with the EGPEA Learning Management Model on Polymers story to promote critical thinking of the Mathayomsuksa 6 Students were overall satisfied have a mean score of 4.77

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How to Cite
Nankhantee, K. (2024). Development of the EGPEA Model Learning Management Model on polymers to promote critical thinking of Mathayomsuksa 6 students. Journal of Research and Development the Greater Mekong Subregion, 1(3), 60–70. retrieved from
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