Value added of agricultural products: The guideline for small entrepreneurs

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Thansuda Jinai
Yos Borisutdhi


       This article aims to collect data from a literature review on value-added agricultural products to be a guideline for small entrepreneurs and to study a case study of value-added agricultural products of small entrepreneurs in Chum Phae District Khon Kaen Province. Study from different case studies. The results of the study showed that creating added value of agricultural products of small entrepreneurs there are more than 10 approaches to create added value; value added through off-season production, value added through use distinctive varieties, value added through changing the shape of the produce, value added through quality or standard production, value added through creating a story, value added through processing ready-to-eat and semi-finished agricultural products, value added through designing new products or creating new products, value added through packaging design and create a brand, value added through express delivery, value added through special services, and value added through marketing strategy. That is, farmers can create more value with their knowledge, abilities, available resources and potential of themselves. As a study from case study of small entrepreneurs in Chum Phae District Khon Kaen Province found that from 3 case studies with different agricultural activities and agricultural products. Therefore, the method of creating added value is also different.

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How to Cite
Jinai, T., & Borisutdhi, Y. (2022). Value added of agricultural products: The guideline for small entrepreneurs. Journal of Research and Development the Greater Mekong Subregion, 1(2), 66–80. retrieved from
Academic article


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