Organizing Samnaun Choun Rooh Activities Based on Constructivist Concepts to Develop Creative Skills and Media Information and Digital Literacy of Prathomsuksa 3 Students

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Buangoen Thongthai
Nantiwa Janyou
Dhanita Doungwilai
Somkamon Boonmee
Somkiat Khuthaweekul


        The objectives of this research were 1) to develop creative thinking skills of Prathomsuksa 3 students after receiving activities compared to 75% criteria, and 2) to develop media, information, and digital literacy skills of Prathomsuksa 3 students compared to the 80% criteria. The samples consisted of 42 Prathomsuksa 3 students in the class of 3/2 from Khon Kaen University Demonstration School, Elementary Education Department (Modin Daeng) for the second semester of the academic year 2020. The samples were randomized by cluster random sampling technique by using random units as classrooms with a lottery method. The research instruments were: 1) creative thinking measurement test with a reliability of 0.2. and 0.82, and 2) the form of media, information, and digital literacy skills assessment. The statistics used were t-tests for one sample, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
         The results of the research were as follows: 1) The results of the student’s creative thinking skill development found that after organizing the student's rhetoric activities of “Samnaun Choun Rooh”, the average score was 12.79 equal to 79.46 percent. It was found that the test scores after organizing the activities were statistically significant levels at 0.05 which was higher than the criteria indicated. 2) The results of the development of students' media, information, and digital literacy skills found that after the activities, the students had an average score of 21.00 equal to 87.50 percent. After studying, it was statistically significantly higher than the criteria indicated at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Thongthai, B., Janyou, N. ., Doungwilai, D., Boonmee, S., & Khuthaweekul, S. (2024). Organizing Samnaun Choun Rooh Activities Based on Constructivist Concepts to Develop Creative Skills and Media Information and Digital Literacy of Prathomsuksa 3 Students. Journal of Research and Development the Greater Mekong Subregion, 1(2), 37–45. retrieved from
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