Developing Online Course with Gamification

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Suntaree Peerapanit
Wipada Duangkid
Nachayada Tamroo
Sangduan Kammeesawang


The library's aim is to improve the quality and engagement of online learning by applying gamification concepts. The library uses a gamified learning management format to stimulate and motivate learners. The process followed combines Design Thinking and the Addie Model. The main objective is to criteria, and a design strategy. This includes content and presentation design, structured as a Visual Novel-style game. H5P tools are used to develop online materials that support multimedia formats. The online learning content is made on two platforms. The MFU Academy platform, which covers registration, pre-test, post-test, and course completion certificates, And the MFU Digital Learning (MDL) platform, which provides access to develop the course with H5P tools. The system is tested by students, and overall satisfaction ratings are highly positive across all three areas: content, teaching materials, and assessment methods.

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How to Cite
Peerapanit, S., Duangkid, W., Tamroo, N., & Kammeesawang, S. (2024). Developing Online Course with Gamification. PULINET Journal, 11(2), 168–180. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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