The Development of Online Learning Media on Agriculture and the Environment to Support Lifelong Learning
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Kasetsart University Library has produced educational media on agriculture and the environment under the program name “Yoo Din Kin Dee,” (Thriving on the Land: Cultivating Success) which is broadcast across 4 regions nationwide. The program aims to develop online learning media in agriculture and the environment that benefit students, staff, and the general public. It supports Kasetsart University's educational personnel in disseminating their knowledge to society, enabling the public to apply this knowledge to develop careers and improve their quality of life. The program also aims to enhance access to the library's information services, particularly in agriculture and environmental information. From April 2021 to June 2024, 37 topics were covered. The top five most-viewed topics are: “How to Grow Green Chiretta,” with 133,787 views and 111 comments; “Growing Fruit Trees in Containers,” with 117,819 views and 72 comments; “Producing Low-Cost Fish Food,” with 42,966 views and 32 comments; “How to Grow Guavas for High Yield?” with 40,355 views and 38 comments; and “New High-Yield Peanut Varieties,” with 14,826 views and 37 comments.
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