Promoting and Analyzing the Recording of Digital Kasetsart University Knowledge Repository
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The objective of this research was to promote and analyze the recording of Kasetsart University’s digital knowledge bank. The statistics used were to find frequencies and percentages from the Kasetsart University digital knowledge base database of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, a total of 1,043 items, (as of March 8, 2024). Results of promoting the recording of work in the digital knowledge bank from the preparation of infographic media, recording of work and dissemination to teachers and personnel of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science was found that the number of digital knowledge repositories continually increased every year, First, as of March 4, 2022, there were 528 items. This was followed by 805 items as of January 18, 2023, and 1,043 items as of March 8, 2024. In total, there was an increase of 515 items. And analysis of the recording of digital knowledge bank from type analysis was found that the work of Kasetsart University's digital knowledge bank, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science has the highest number as follows: Thai language, 602 items (57.71 percent), journal articles, 509 items (48.80 percent), research works, 962 items (92.24 percent), publication year 2019, 133 items (12.75 percent). The comparative analysis of data from usage statistics found that the highest system usage statistics were in 2023, the number of visitors was 63,942 times (49.70 percent) and the number of downloads was 9,327 times (46.89 percent). Therefore, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science Library has been continuously promoted the recording of work in the digital knowledge bank, This could enhance access through multiple channels for lecturers, students, and the public to use for various purposes, including as a valuable reference source at both national and international levels.
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