Analysis of the Relevance of the Faculty of Science, Mahidol University’s Course Resources in Undergraduate Programs (Thai) and Stang Mongkolsuk Library’s Resources
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The research purpose is to analyze the language and age group of the course resources and analyze the relevance of course resources and library resources in Stang Mongkolsuk Library. This involves comparing the quantity, language and age group of the resources. The research’s operation collected course information from the Programme Specification (TQF.2) 2023 and information of course resources of the TQF.3 section.6 from Data Transmission and Storage System for Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education System and compared it with library resources. The study found that there are 519 courses, with 344 courses having data on resources, and a total of 1,242 course resources, 84.70% are in English and 15.30% in Thai. An analysis by age group found that almost aged 20 and above (38.56%). Regarding the availability status of course resources, 78.42% of the course resources are available in any library, while 21.85% are not. Specifically, 75.36% are available in Stang Mongkolsuk Library, 18.28% are available in Mahidol University Library Network, and 6.37% are available electronically. In terms of language relevance, 56.65% are in English and 72.63% are in Thai. In terms of age group relevance, the library has course resources that are mostly 6-10 years old (31.34%). In conclusion, the study indicates that the relevance of the language of course materials available in the Stang Mongkolsuk Library supports the faculty's strategy for international education. For the age group of course materials, those over 20 years old are most frequently used for TQF.3, while the library's course materials are mostly 6-10 years old, which is suitable for reference in science and technology. The findings can guide updates to the curriculum and assist in planning the acquisition and promotion of new course materials available in the library. It also encourages course instructors to suggest new resources for the library.
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