Developing STOU Identity Video Podcast for Promote Lifelong Learning
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The Office of Documentation and Information (ODI) of Sukhothai Thammatirat Open University. Its vision is to be an open university library that focuses on providing excellent services for lifelong learning. Therefore, it is important to develop new media to support learning in line with service users in the Digital Disruption era, where technology plays an increasingly important role in learning behavior. Therefore, it is an important concept in developing the STOU's identity information video podcast media with the objectives: 1) to produce digital media to support lifelong learning that can be accessed quickly and conveniently Anywhere, Anytime, and can be learned along with other activities. 2) To disseminate and promote awareness of information about STOU's identity to be more widely known under the program name STOU Storian Podcast, distributed through A variety of platforms, divided into 2 formats: Audio Podcast and Video Podcast. In the program production process, the process is as follows. pre-production preparation stage, production stage, and post-production stage.
The results of the operation resulted in a new digital media in the form of video podcasts. Achieved the goal of 1 story/month, with viewing statistics on all platforms totaling 22,134 times. STOU Storian Podcast was ranked on the first page of searches on Google for 2 episodes, and viewers were overall satisfied with the program at a satisfactory level. the most Including showing positive participation by liking, sharing, and commenting. and participating in marketing promotion activities through the library's social media.
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