Specialized Information Resource Services: A Case Study of Agricultural Concepts and Theories Collection for Research Service

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Paison Parkum


Providing a collection of agricultural concepts and theories for research was developed from answering questions and assisting in research. It aimed to assist library service users to obtain information that meets the needs, support research, reduce time consuming and help access to information easily. There are 8 steps of operation: 1) searching for a list of subjects by the course of instruction; 2) search for information that is consistent with the teaching and learning curriculum; 3) search for books; 4) looking through the contents of the book to find concepts and theories related to agriculture 5) recording information in the form; 6) scan documents; 7) public relations design; 7) service provision.

It is found that service users are satisfied with the service in many aspect i.e. use of data retrieval, display, format, document download, content quality, use of reference, browsing time reduction, and access to information. As a whole they were satisfied with the service at a high level (89.52%) The following are suggestions: 1) needs for more data or information, 2) diverse data/information covering curricular programs; and 3) extension of the service to the international programs.

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How to Cite
Parkum, P. . (2023). Specialized Information Resource Services: A Case Study of Agricultural Concepts and Theories Collection for Research Service. PULINET Journal, 10(1), 1–11. retrieved from https://so14.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/PJ/article/view/64
Academic Articles


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