The Thammasat University Library Integrated Human Resource Management System (TULIB-HR)
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This research developed an integrated human resource management system and studied user satisfaction to plan future improvements and develop system efficiency. Lean theory was applied to set goals and analyze current work processes to eliminate waste in resource and budget processes as well as decrease delays. Two development rounds were conducted according to the Deming cycle to achieve continuous development. Each development round was completed and a system satisfaction survey conducted, with user satisfaction survey results applied to achieve highest efficiency in system use. Results were that developing the Thammasat University Library Integrated Human Resource Management System (TULIB-HR) reduced the time required to disburse health welfare payments by 50%; time entry system procurement budget; paper resource costs by 100%; and health benefit submission forms by 100 %. User satisfaction with the developed system overall average 4.73 was at the highest level, representing a 14.53
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