Development of Document Delivery System for Document Delivery Service Central Library of King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok
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The document delivery service process with the developed system includes the following steps: (1) Service providers and users access the system using the university's account. (2) Users input details of requested items and submit requests. (3) Administrator adjust statuses and review user-submitted requests. (4) Administrator upload document files, and update the status to indicate successful processing (5) Users download the requested documents. The researchers used questionnaires to collect user satisfaction data regarding the document delivery service provided through the developed system. The questionnaires were distributed to 50 users who interacted with the system. The research findings indicated that the electronic document system is effective, with different functionalities tailored to three distinct roles: super administrator, administrator, and users. Through trial usage and system improvement before full deployment, adjustments were made to align with user requirements, resulting in high overall user satisfaction ratings ( = 4.71, S.D. = 0.59).
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