A Study of Students’ Learning Achievement and Satisfaction towards the Course on Digital Library and Learning Innovation of the Office of Academic Resources, Prince of Songkla University

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Komgrit Rumdon
Nuttaya Tinpun
Jutarat Panphadung
Salasa Leamsuwan
Kolsmat Pojjanawanit
Nusra Tokse
Khanitsorn Rakjitr
Anupap Duangnim
Kwannate Poonyatavon
Anan Kareng
Ihsan Suetae


This research aims to 1) compare learning achievement before and after learning the course on Digital Library and Learning Innovation, and 2) study satisfaction with the course on Digital Library and Learning Innovation. The sample group was undergraduate students at Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus, who enrolled in the course on Digital Library and Learning Innovation during the 1st  semester in 2021 academic year through the 2nd semester in 2022 academic year, a total of 3 semesters, amounting to 208 people. The study tools included: 1) the learning plan for the course on Digital Library and Learning Innovation, 2) achievement tests before and after learning, and 3) a satisfaction assessment form for learning. The statistical methods employed for data analysis included percentages, means, standard deviations, and t-tests. The results of study found that: 1) the learning achievements of the course on Digital Library and Learning Innovation before and after learning had average scores of 21.50 and 29.23 respectively. Comparing the scores before and after learning, it was found that the learning achievement after learning was higher than before learning at the statistical significance level of .01, and 2) satisfaction towards the course on Digital Library and Learning Innovation was overall at a high level
( equation = 4.34).

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How to Cite
Rumdon, K., Tinpun, N. ., Panphadung, J. ., Leamsuwan, S. ., Pojjanawanit, K. ., Tokse, N. ., Rakjitr, K. ., Duangnim, A. ., Poonyatavon, K. ., Kareng, A. ., & Suetae, I. . (2024). A Study of Students’ Learning Achievement and Satisfaction towards the Course on Digital Library and Learning Innovation of the Office of Academic Resources, Prince of Songkla University. PULINET Journal, 11(2), 118–127. retrieved from https://so14.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/PJ/article/view/572
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