Development of King Prajadhipok Study and University Archives Online Learning Resources to Promote Lifelong Learning in a VUCA World

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Yawinthakorn Thongkaek
Duangrat Dikhua


(STOU) since its foundation, there has been a management of King Prajadhipok Information Study learning sources and university archives on February 9, 1986 Over the past 36 years, it has been developed as a learning resource that helps promote lifelong learning. For university staff and people of all ages until now as a learning resource in the 21st century. This is a time when the world changes and changes rapidly, called VUCA World. The Office of Documentation and Information has changed by innovating, implementing technology and communicating with customers via social media in accordance with the VUCA. The main principle is library service improvement to encourage lifelong learning in digital era. Four projects are: 1. Hundreds of stories…a hundred memories...the Office of Documentation and Information. 2. Library proactive service in digital era: university Identity Information. 3. Perception creation and engagement of Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University: case of identity information in digital era. 4. Strengthen engagement in online learning resources about STOU Identity Information.The objective of these projects is improvement work quality and human resource development to be able to promote online lifelong learning in digital media, included create service innovation in disruption era. The operating process used PDCA quality cycle: P-Plan working, D-Do activities, C-Check according and A-Act quality improvement. The result of this projects show several digital media to promote digital learning and online interactive activities 196 titles such as virtual museum of the King Prajadhipok and Queen Rambhai Barni Documentation Center, e-book, e-postcard, video clip, online exhibitions, content on library website and library facebook fanpage, e-newsletters, and quiz games. And as a result, users more convenient to access digital information, be satisfied acknowledgment and engagement with the information and increasing the number of users both on-site 2,960 and on facebook, reach 327,416 engaged 28,746 and pageview 16,954 on the website. These projects promote lifelong learning effectively, a large number of people reach, cost less and have more innovation and knowledge to develop organization, society and nation.

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How to Cite
Thongkaek, Y. ., & Dikhua, D. . (2023). Development of King Prajadhipok Study and University Archives Online Learning Resources to Promote Lifelong Learning in a VUCA World. PULINET Journal, 10(2), 119–132. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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