Developing Strategies for Promoting Access to Information From the Kasetsart University Knowledge Repository by Facebook Fanpage
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Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the exhibitions to promote the information resources of the Kasetsart University Knowledge Repository (KUKR) have decreased. As a result, the team switched to an online platform based on a Facebook fan page because this channel has the largest user base compared to a similar app type. Then, develop an action plan to define the content and post format, including images, captions, and links to promote, and ensure the operations are efficient and effective according to the library strategy of developing the knowledge base and service innovations for the community and society Therefore, it has studied the performance by collecting data to analyze and adjust the strategic plan for improving the operation following the goals and users' behaviors. It found that the access number in the fiscal year 2022 has continued to increase and has achieved the goal of increasing the use of electronic information resources by at least 10 percent. The result is 35.93 percent. Finally, to keep up with changing user behavior, this operation should be evaluated for efficiency and effectiveness continuously.
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