The Guidelines of Development Chiang Mai University Archives Collections by Studying of Management Service and Digital Preservation Archives of Autonomous University

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Jutamas Buangao


The purpose of this research was to study the management, service, and archive preservation of autonomous universities together with the demands of archive management, service, and preservation of Chiang Mai University, to obtain guidelines for planning the development of the Chiang Mai University Archives collection. The integrated research method was used. Namely (1) qualitative research, data were collected by interviewing archival practitioners of 10 autonomous universities and analyzed data by generating conclusions (2) Quantitative research, data were collected by demands survey from department heads or personnel responsible for document management of 62 departments of Chiang Mai University, descriptive statistics analyzed data was used. Then, the results of both methods were analyzed and synthesized in an intersection form. The results revealed that autonomous universities aim to store documents or materials that indicate the history of the university's development. There are 6 methods for archiving documents, storing, and providing services for 3 types of archival documents, with 6 types of archiving content categorized and using software for managing archival documents and available in digital and original formats with 4 levels of secrecy. For the departments in Chiang Mai University, 86.96 percent prefer to manage the archives of Chiang Mai University by establishing an operating committee focused on collecting documents that contain content about history, development, and content related to the department. The library categorized all 12 categories of content, archiving documents of the departments on the Centralized Digital Platform developed by Chiang Mai University Library and providing archival services, both digital files and original documents, with 4 levels of secrecy. For the development of archival collections, Chiang Mai University should focus on collecting documents of the history and development of the university. Establishing a committee for the university's archives and departments is necessary. It must procure, store and provide archival services that contain information about the history, development, and content related to departments or universities. Archive content is categorized according to the Chiang Mai University library in 12 categories. Managing and providing archive services by using the Centralized Digital Platform system. Both digital and original formats with 4 levels of secrecy have been provided and published for the user.

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How to Cite
Buangao, J. . (2023). The Guidelines of Development Chiang Mai University Archives Collections by Studying of Management Service and Digital Preservation Archives of Autonomous University. PULINET Journal, 10(1), 213–228. retrieved from
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