Development Process of Digital Competencies for the Khon Kaen University Library's Staff
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This study's objectives were (1) to study the development process of digital competencies for library staff (2) To have the guidelines for practice in the HRD Process. It studied the work patterns of the Personnel Development Committee between 2021-2023. Method of operation (1) Studying the work pattern in the fiscal year 2021-2023 (2) Summary of the results of the work on promoting digital competency of the Personnel Development Committee (3) Set up operational processes that are good practices for the Human Resources Development Committee in promoting the development of digital competencies for personnel. The results of operations were (1) an 8-step digital competency development process was obtained, 81.22 percent of personnel passed the digital skills exam which is higher than the target value (40 percent), organizing 22 internal courses necessary for operations. (2) Operational guidelines should promote digital self-development that uses more personal budget allocation. It was found that only a small number of personnel used the budget for this aspect of development. Things that must be considered in operations are emergency situations, such as changing the criteria for passing a test. To design and set plans for the next fiscal year.
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