The Development of Chatbot “Nong Sabai LINE BOT” for Reference Service
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The purpose of this study is to develop an automated answering system in the form of a chatbot via the LINE official account of the Office of Documentation and Information, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, which can provide users with information about their questions by using the results of user question analysis from reference service. In order to increase the dissemination of information to library users. As a tool to support the library work and improve the organization's efficiency.
The study and development results show that 1) the chatbot via LINE official account under the service name "Nong Sabai LINE BOT" can be answered by four main categories (1) library usage, (2) library business days and hours (3) library services, and (4) information about university teaching and studying 2) The findings of the satisfaction survey about the use of the chatbot via line official account were most satisfactory overall in all aspects.
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