The Process of Developing English Communication Skills for Library Staff in Collaboration with the Foreign Affairs Division, Khon Kaen University

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Yaowaporn Santiwiwat
Siriporn Tiwasing
Supat Sinawat
Junrat Sitthisomjin


Khon Kaen University recognizes the importance of developing English Communication skills and has implemented strategies to enhance the efficiency of its workforce. The university emphasizes teamwork and cross-cultural abilities, aiming to become a globally recognized institution. The Khon Kaen University Library has collaborated with the International Affairs Office to implement the "Chit Chat in KKU Workplace" project, which involves hosting international students from 2565-2566 academic year. The project incorporates design thinking concepts in its activities and follows a 12 step workflow divided into three phases: pre-activity, during the activity, and post-activity. The outcomes of the project include: (1) more than 80% of participants meeting the training duration criteria or completing at least 60 hours of activity, (2) five personnel from non-service departments participating as committee members in international relations, and (3) more than 85% of participants expressing satisfaction with the project and having a high average satisfaction rating.

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How to Cite
Santiwiwat, Y., Tiwasing, S. ., Sinawat , S. ., & Sitthisomjin, J. . (2024). The Process of Developing English Communication Skills for Library Staff in Collaboration with the Foreign Affairs Division, Khon Kaen University. PULINET Journal, 11(2), 105–117. retrieved from
Academic Articles


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