Improving The Efficiency of Information Collection and Dissemination on The Kasetsart University Knowledge Repository
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Improving the efficiency of information collection and dissemination on the Kasetsart University Knowledge Repository (KUKR) is a repository management process that developing a further data entry system for the repository, which reduces system limitations and facilitates user self-data entry anywhere and at any time.
The KUKR Input system was developed based on problem and obstacle analysis, user recommendations by any channel, and operation planning according to the meeting conclusions. Before being activated, the system has been developed, tested, and rechecked, and there is system training and promotion on social media platforms such as Facebook and Line. After that, collect system problems by user, analyze, and describe the outcomes of operations and problems encountered while using the system to improve the system's efficiency and better satisfy the demands of users.
Results of the development of the KUKR Input by a self-data input system, when compared with the KUKR Data Entry was found that the data processing from imported until disseminated has been reduced from 11 steps to 6 steps, reducing the limitations of the earlier system, which only had the data depositor of each institution assigned to import the data. By developing channels for work owners to manually import data. Upload publication files and grant the authorization to publish the work at any time, which accelerates the process of collecting and disseminating information in the Kasetsart University Knowledge Repository. The total number of users is 173, and the total number of records entered in the system is 515. According to user satisfaction assessments of the KUKR input system, the overall quality had an excellent level mean of 4.58 and with the standard deviation of 0.58.
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