The Development of Library Services in a Living format: A Case Study of the Institute of Learning Resources and Digital Technology at Thaksin University
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The development of library services in a living format: A case study of the Institute of Learning Resources and Digital Technology at Thaksin University has the objectives of developing library services using the Design Thinking process. The process involves the following steps: First, "Empathize": Understanding the problems by studying research reports, conducting group discussions, and analyzing collaborative organizations. Second, "Define": Analyzing and synthesizing problems to categorize Pain Points and Gain Points. Third, "Ideate": Collaboratively generating ideas and defining service areas and learning activities. Fourth, "Prototype": Creating a development plan for services and learning activities. Finally, "Test": Implementing and testing activities according to the development plan and extracting lessons learned to improve future services. The results indicate a significant increase in library usage by patrons over the past two academic years. This increase is attributed to the integration of teaching and extracurricular activities within the library in collaboration with specific organizations, including Thaksin University Demonstration School and the Science Classroom Project at Paphayompittayakom School. These activities are supervised and facilitated by Thaksin University librarians. They align with the six types of living library spaces, and participants in the activities have rated their satisfaction levels as highly satisfactory.
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