Cost Benefit Analysis of Information Resources Use Based on Economic Theory Concept
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This research was aimed to analyze the cost-benefit of used information resources of both printed and digital based on economic theory concepts to analyze costs, break-even points, cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit ratios, net present value returns, internal rate of return, costs per times and effectiveness in using the information resources of The Office of Documentation and Information, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University. Analysis of the information in the fiscal year 2020 to 2022, based on cost-benefit financial analysis concepts such as Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Benefit-Cost Ratio (B/C), and cost per use. The results of the study revealed that digital information resources showed B/C of 2.51, IRR of 81, and cost per use of 60.79 Baht. Conversely, printed information resources showed B/C of 0.93, IRR of -56, and a cost per use of 90 Baht. Showed that digital information resources have the highest value were effectiveness and worthiness. Effectiveness is a knowledge gained from using those information resources were invaluable and could not be judged in the aspect of money. Therefore, these results can be used to improve for acquiring information resources effectively applied and managing budgets to enhance efficiency.
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