Mahidol University Central Library’s Course Reserves, A Service to Provide Course-related Resources Case Study: Bachelor of Engineering Program in Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University
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Course Reserves, a service to provide Course-related Resources, of Central Library, Mahidol University Library and Knowledge Center aims to provide guidelines for acquiring, collecting, adding access channels, and supporting the use of educational resource that align with the programs to be cost effective by adapting the Course Reserves, a function of the Sierra Library Automation System. This initiative was focused on the Bachelor of Engineering program in Computer Engineering, the Faculty of Engineering, comprising 49 courses. The result revealed that the library was able to acquire, collect and provide the required resources via Mahidol Library Catalogs (OPAC), Publication Finder, and Single Search. A total of 119 educational resource titles appeared in the Thailand Qualification Framework 3 (TQF3) and/or Course Syllabus, aligning with the curriculum, were accounted for 90.15%. Additionally, there are other 145 educational resource titles related to courses that instructors had considered and selected for the library, resulting in an increase of educational resource acquisitions, collection, and services rate up to 86.83%, making a total of 264 educational resource titles that can be utilized.
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