Quality Assessment by Using Quality Indicators for the Electronic Information Resources
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The purpose of the research is to assessment of electronic information resources using electronic information resource quality indicators, Faculty of Medicine Library Chiang Mai University. Covering to know the guidelines for collection development of all types of information resources to support teaching, research, and cost-effectiveness and to use the research results for use in budget management for electronic resources acquisition, by analyzing the quality of electronic resources of the library, 3,080 titles of electronic journals, 4,400 titles of electronic books and 20 electronic databases.
The results showed the total of subscription journals was 3,080 titles. When evaluating the quality of electronic journals by using 8 indicators of electronic information resource quality, Journal citation in publication, Journal request from faculty or department, Statistics of journal access, Cost per Use, Journal Impact Factor, Journal Quartile Score, Journal percentile score and Altmetric score. It was found that there were 2,665 journals with conditional indicators. Accounted for 86.52 percent. When evaluating the quality of electronic books, by using 4 indicators of electronic information resource quality, title list in TQF 3, category 5, books request from faculty or department, statistics of book access and cost per use. It was found that there were 2,887 titles with conditional indicators, accounted for 72.17 percent. When evaluating the quality of electronic databases, it was found that from 20 databases, the median database usage was 29,921 times and the average cost per visit to all database types was 65.75 Baht.
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