The Development of Green Data Collector (GDC) At Khunying Long Athakravisunthorn Learning Resources Center
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Green Data Collector (GDC) was developed by Khunying Long Athakravisunthorn Learning Resources Center (KYL) to solve the problem of data integration and data visualization on the environmental resources usage and carbon footprint using Green Office criteria for system designing standard.The system development is mainly focused on creating a data storage to help reduce redundancy and inconsistency of the related data and displaying the results of data calculation, analysis, and comparison with the previous year into dashboard and report format. The design and development are based on a responsive web application using a Full Stack Framework, PostgreSQL and HighchartJS for frontend and backend development, database, and data visualization which helps green office assessors and library executives and those who are interested gain easier access to KYL environmental information.
The result of implementation shows that the system can collect all types of data including amount of fuel, methane, electricity, paper, tap water and waste and correctly calculate carbon footprint emission of KYL which fully meet the green office criteria. The performance assessment through a satisfaction evaluation shows that the ease of access to data, the understanding and appropriateness of data presentation style, the data meet the need of green office criteria and the data utilization overall average at 4.8 which is interpreted at the highest level.
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