Enhance Learning in Art History, and Archaeology on Digital world via “The Repository of Professor M.C. Subhadradis Diskul” of Thapra Palace Library, Silpakorn University
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Thapra Palace Library collaborates with the Art History Program, Faculty of Archaeology of Silpakorn University to launch The Repository of Professor M.C. Subhadradis Diskul Project, which is an Art History and Archaeology Repository. The purpose of this project is to digitize, collect, store, and publish full-text information resources which involved with Professor M.C. Subhadradis Diskul via http://subhadradis.su.ac.th. The information resources in the repository are categorized by their formats as follows: 1) 112 books, 2) 205 articles, 3) 446 documents, 4) 16,496 pictures and slide films, and 5) 351 miscellanea. The repository is based on Access to Memory (UNESCO Archives AtoM Catalogue) Standard, and ISAD(G) (General International Standard Archival Description) Standard. The descriptions in the repository are proved by experts on Art History and Archaeology fields which assure that all the information in this repository is trustworthy and believable. The users can access the full-text information resources freely, conveniently, and efficiently.
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