Improving the Efficiency Of the Reference Service Of the Kasetsart University Library Via a Multi-Touchpoint Management Platform
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Covid-19 Crisis and the change in user behavior resulted in the inefficiency of the reference service of Kasetsart University Library which providing service via three channels, i.e., Live Chat., Facebook, and LINE@ (although providing the service via several channels is convenient for users, it is not a centralized system in receiving and forwarding the questions to other channels, making it not convenient and not fast.). Therefore, it is necessary to develop the service efficiency by using MBOX to provide a centralized system to shorten the operating time as well as the waiting time. In addition, the results of the data analytics from MBOX can be used for providing service level agreement (SLA) of which the time set for responding to general questions is less than 30 minutes and the data were collected on monthly basis for three months. It was found that the efficiency of the service has been increasing as the average operating time in September was 17.82 minutes. Apart, a satisfaction survey was collected from 196 service recipients. It was found that the satisfaction level of the service was at a very good level (4.84), the satisfaction level of receiving the responses that met their needs at a very good level (4.85), and NPS (Net Promoter Score) for users coming back to use the service or recommending the service to others at the level of 92.35.
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