Upgrading the Quality of Kasetsart University Knowledge Repository to International Standards CoreTrustSeal
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Kasetsart University Knowledge Repository applied for the CoreTrustSeal assessment of trustworthy data repositories with the objective of enhancing the quality of the repository to meet international standards and being the prototype digital repository that manages data according to CoreTrustSeal international standards. Kasetsart University Knowledge Repository was accredited with assessment criteria at level 4 for all 16 requirements. It is Thailand's first institutional digital repository to receive the CoreTrustSeal standards. According to the user satisfaction survey, the results showed that the overall satisfaction is at a good level with an average of 4.30, and the quality of metadata and digital files being accurate and reliable is at a good level with an average of 4.38. In 2022, the usage statistics of Kasetsart University Knowledge Repository increased by 20.77 percent, and the number of foreign users increased by 51.64 percent from 2021. Benefits of digital repositories certification has resulted in a revision of the data management process, affecting in quality improvements in data management in accordance with international standards and creating confidentiality and credibility for users and depositors regarding qualified repository management, data accessibility, and long-term storage.
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