Library is Everything: Reinvent the Role of Libraries with Library of Things
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This operation its purpose is to provide a loan service for equipment and items that supports and encourages students to be entrepreneurs. And learning from active experimentation and to create a new image and perspective on the library. There are a total of 36 collectible equipment collections in various categories according to usage such as kitchen equipment, mechanic equipment, electronic equipment, electrical appliance, clothing, musical instruments, etc., initially divided into 2 categories: 1) Library's Things 2) Community's Things. There were 15 items of equipment used, totaling 791 times.
Collecting customer satisfaction data for equipment service applicants obtained from device users of 124 persons with total satisfaction. The average was at the highest level of 4.66, representing 93.17 percent, divided into satisfaction with service personnel 4.76 representing 95.16 percent, overall satisfaction with equipment providing services 4.65 representing 92.90 percent, and Satisfied with equipment used for service 4.57 or 91.45 percent. In addition, the effectiveness of posts promoting the Library of Things service on Facebook: MJU Library has a record of 14,942 Reach, 291 Reactions, 121 comments, 46 shares, and 287 link clicks. Compared to other posts in the past, it was found that it was 100 percent more efficient in reach and engagement and 98 percent more clicked on the link.
From the results of the above operations, it can be concluded that the objectives set can be achieved, namely, being able to provide equipment and supplies that support and encourage students to become entrepreneurs. and learn from active experimentation. Some students brought coffee roasters borrowed from the library to experiment in their own coffee roasting research. Resulting in knowledge from practical experiments. This is an important feature of survival in the VUCA World. In addition, it can create a new image and perspective on the library. From the good response in the Library of Things promotion post via the library's social media channel.
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